Whether you are selling your home or just trying to keep up with the Jones’ making your home look inviting on the outside is a must. If you grass is brown and plants are suffocating the facade of your home you’ll probably have trouble selling your home or even getting neighbors to come over for a BBQ. If you are planning on getting down to business to up the curb appeal of your home consider these simple landscaping fixes:
1) Pruning

Unkempt and overgrown trees, plants or bush can be quite the eyesore. Depending on how out of control your plants are you can use a hand-held pruner, a lopper, or a small-curved saw to make this fix.
2) Add Color

Once you’ve got your existing plants in good condition take a look at your yard and find spots that are lacking any color. Filling in the holes with new brightly colored annuals, perennials, or seasonal flowering shrubs will help set the mood.
3) Potted Plants

Putting inexpensive potted plants or shrubs near the front door is a nice way to make the entryway to your home look more inviting. You can pot the plants yourself or buy pre-potted plants from your local hardware or landscaping store. It is simple landscaping fixes like this one that are do-able for any homeowner.
4) Bed Maintenance

Maintain your beds by edging, removing weeds, and mulching. All you’ll need is an edging tool, a rake, a pair of gloves, and a strong back. Freshly spread mulch is a great way to make your beautiful flowers and shrubs really stand out.
5) Green Grass

This may possibly be the most important: get your grass as green and full as possible. Brown, dead grass is not appealing to look at and can even make your home look dreary and dingy. Get your grass green by removing any dead grass, applying fertilizer, and keeping your lawn watered. If you are selling your home or for any reason need a quick fix consider laying sod. Once the grass is beautifully green make sure you don’t forget to mow regularly.
6) Hire an Expert

Doing all this on your own may feel like you picked up a second job. While you may be able to do one or two of these things on your own, consider hiring a landscaping professional to cover all the bases. Many, like Landscaping Unlimited, specialize in tree, plant, and shrub installation as well as lawn repair and sod. Sometimes it takes a professional to carefully specify greenery that compliments your house, whether it is steeply sloped, shady, or in full sun. Landscaping experts sometimes even have equipment that can make these fixes absolutely painless. For example Landscaping Unlimited utilizes state-of-the-art computer assisted (CAD) equipment which allows us to design landscaping features as efficiently as possible.
Other Quick DIY Fixes

If you hire an expert but still want to use up a little elbow grease consider these other quick fixes that are easy enough to do on your own:
- Put a fresh coat of paint on the front door
- Get new house numbers
- Make sure doorbell works
- Sand and stain your deck
- Tidy up walkways and stairs by power washing and nailing down wobbly boards
- Add functional exterior lighting